Sunday, 28 August 2011

A touch of the past

I had the privelege of working on a quilt, the owner thinks is from the early 1900's. It was made by his great grandmother. There is something about holding a quilt made by someone long ago. It is hard not to imagine her story. It is made from wool patches mainly, so probably was used to keep a loved one warm.

The back was very worn so that is what I replaced. It was a red flannel fabric that was there previouly so replaced it with the same. I didn't remove any of the old fabric just added the new fabric. I hope she would be pleased with what I have done to lengthen the life of her quilt. The wool patches will last along time.

Some of the patches:

This is the Stewart tarten I believe though it  looks yellowish.

They are going to retie the quilt with its new backing and give it a new home! As we laid the quilt out on our floor their baby girl of 10 months crawled all over it, making the ultimate connection between the generations.

Watch out for todays blessings. This was one of mine!


Monday, 15 August 2011

A well used favorite.

I just love this around the world pattern. I use it alot when I need to make a quick quilt. This particulair one I made for a special little boy who we are privileged to be friends with.

I quilted a center based design then echo quilted until I reached the borders.

In the first border, I quilted verse and chorus of "Jesus Loves Me". The second border I quilted swirls. The pic didn't turn out so you could see quilting very clear and the quilt is already being snuggled. For some reason the pics aren't as clear once transfered to the blog page.

It is so satisying to make a quilt that you know is going to be snuggled and used to keep a small body warm. Joy for the reciever and the giver.That is something that alot of quilters have in common. It is one of the main reasons we do what we do.

Watch out for todays blessings!


Monday, 8 August 2011


Forgot to post a picture of the back of the quilt that was on the previous post. It is the first time I have tried putting something else on the quilt back. I needed just that small strip to have enough backing. It worked out ok. Not too crocked. I like the look of blocks on the back.

Also wanted to share this picture of the ironing board cover I made. Got the pattern from Connecting Threads. It is simple and fun. You could insert any design that you wanted. It seems my ironing board covers dont last long, so am happy to have an alternative to trying to remember to buy one.

Wishing my sweet grandaughter a happy 3rd birthday. Have fun at your princess party sweet one!

Watch out for todays blessings! Grandkids being one!


Thursday, 4 August 2011

First big quilt with my new machine.

It has been awhile since my last post. It has been a busy but fun couple of weeks.
I have been practising a bit with my new Pfaff quilt expression 4.0. It is a great machine. I love it. It is user friendly and free motion quilting on this machine is soooo fun. The bigger throat makes it much easier to manipulate a full size quilt. The design below is adapted from a design of Leah Day's called "Tear drop tree" (colors of fabric are not true in this picture). I made my leaves more pointy. It is an over all design. I used Isacord thread which worked great.

Colours look better in this picture:

This picture shows  the whole quilt. 


Watch out for the days blessings!
