Friday, 18 May 2012

Bloggers Spring Quilt Festival

 I just find it all too exciting for words.
Thank you  Amy!           Amy's creative side

Here is the quilt I chose to submit. It is called "Fred's Roses". I made it just this spring for a friend of mine who turned eighty. Her husband who has been gone for several years, always had amazing roses.

It is a paper piecing design by Eileen Sullivan. Lots of small pieces, which I love. I also tried trapunto for the first time. I took the opportunity to try some different machine quilting which is another passion of mine.

You can kind of see the trapunto in this last photo.

Thanks for the opportunity to share!



  1. Beautiful piecing and quilting. I can certainly tell is was made full of love. Your friend is lucky to have the quilt and luckier to have you as a friend.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  2. This is such a beautiful quilt. Glad to see you at the bloggers' quilt festival.

  3. I love roses and love your quilt.

  4. I've said it before, but it's worth repeating. Gorgeous!!

  5. Beautifully done! Gorgeous roses!

  6. Lovely quilting and piecing.

    Check out my blog if you can...

    Margaret Gunn

  7. It looks great, love the paper pieced roses :o)

  8. I love this quilt! It will be my choice for small quilt. What a wonderful gift for your friend. Beautiful quilting. Thanks for sharing. I'll have to look up Ms. Sullivan.

  9. beaucoup d'amour et de travail dans cette réalisation pour votre amie elle a bien de la chance!

  10. Beautiful quilt! The roses and the quilting are amazing!

  11. this is truly beautiful...I am sure she will cherish it

  12. That is just so beautiful! The roses have so much depth that they look like they are coming right out of the quilt. Wonderful job and your friend is so lucky to have you ;)

  13. wow! just stunning and what a sweet, sweet gift for your friend. lovely quilting. just perfect all around. thanks so much for sharing and have a great day

  14. oh, wanted to say i love the heading quilt you have up there! one of my favorite sayings from scripture and so sweetly done!

  15. Can't wait to see more of your roses this summers sis. Only two more sleeps... yipeee. Blessings to you and Pete

  16. I can almost touch the roses through my computer. This is a beautiful work of art. I know your friend must have loved this.
