Friday, 6 July 2012

Odd ends and bits.

That is a line from a Brooke Fraser song. It nicely describes this post.
When I first started my blog it was mainly for the intent to document what was happening in the quilting part of my world. Well, it wasn't long before I discovered that it is hard for me to separate one part of my life from another. I do try for the most part, but this is the post that bubbled to the top when I sat down this morning.
So much has gone on this past month or so. My daughter arrived home from Thailand. She was co -leader of YWAM Truro here in NS. Their out reach was in Thailand. It was a stretching time for all of us. That is her looking at the camera wearing the red dress. So good to have her back.

My Brother and his family has also returned from a year doing missions in the Phillipines. Their time there was both amazing and hard.

We have had fun homecomings and food. Laughter, tears and hugs.

When so much is going on, my quilting is usually of the "not too much thinking" type.
I made some blocks for Margaret's Hope Chest.

Here is a close up and link. A quick little block.

And delicious piecing! It is an on going nine patch scrappy quilt I have had on the go for awhile. Perfect to do when my mind and heart are in other places.

Summer is clicking along. Enjoy it with all it brings!

Watch out for today's blessings!